Today I'm showing you 5 music production channels you can actually trust. No more overwhelm.
Here's what you'll learn:
- 5 of the best production channels out there
- Which...
Are you having trouble with improvisation on guitar? Today I show you exactly what you need to do before you improvise and while improvising.
Here's what you learn:...
Today I'm showing you around the Neural DSP Archetype Nolly X in full so you can get an idea of whether or not it's something you'd like to pick up for yourself.
Today, I'm going to show you one feature of an amp sim that changed my guitar practice forever. It's on the Neural DSP Archetype: Nolly X plugin and I'm so stoked to share...
Today the Volt 276 and PreSonus 24c are going toe to toe as I compare the two and see if the Volt from Universal Audio is really worth the extra cash.
Have you ever hated on a genre of music only to come around to it later? This was my journey with 2000s pop punk and emo music and I feel like I wasted years of not...
I was in Vegas for When We Were Young 2024 and got to see a pretty solid spread of bands. And the bands who performed the best were both incredibly surprising, and par for...
Today I want to give you the wonderful free gift of nearly perfectly processed drums for every project. So let's dive into Krimh Drums from Bogren Digital and see what the...
The Tim Henson thump guitar video is a great intro to the technique. But those chords he uses are gorgeous! What are they? Let's dive in...
Here's what we learn:
- How to...
Today I'll show you how to write a romantic melody like John Williams' Marion Theme using only what's in the melody itself.
Here's what we learn:
• How I take objects...
John Williams is not just a composer; he's a musical legend whose melodies have captivated audiences worldwide. From the haunting scores of 'Indiana Jones' to the...
Today let's dive into the Trivium AmpKnob Bundle that just released from Bogren Digital. I'm giving you my absolute first impressions here, so come on a ride with me and...