There's a moment as we write music when the music becomes self-referential. This is one of my favorite places to be, because suddenly primary and secondary motives and...
Sometimes when we're writing music, it almost feels like we're wrestling with it. Our inner ear is telling us one thing, but what's coming out just isn't it. This week, I...
When writing music, it's important to take the theory you learn and apply it when you write. But, it's also important not to get too caught up in what's...
Sometimes, the best way to learn how to do something is to watch someone else do it. In my ongoing series, Watch a Real Composer Write Music in Sibelius, I show you how I...
When I was a beginner writer and producer, there was one part of the music production process I forgot to do. So today, I’m going over the entire production process...
Have you ever wanted to write more music, or even just finish the music you’ve already written? You’re in good company. This is a common complaint I hear, so...
It’s hard to write a melody from scratch. In fact, I get asked how to do this a lot. So, this week I’m giving you 3 techniques you can use to help you write a...
It’s easy to reuse chords and chord progressions. And, hey, if it works it works. But it’s always good to flex our musical muscles and add some more color....
Have you ever not been inspired to write, so you didn’t write? Yeah, me too. And everyone else. It turns out, we’ve got inspiration all wrong. Tune in as I...
This week in Watch a Real Composer Write Music in Sibelius, we elaborate on the 3 bars that completely changed the piece from last episode. I also finish the first...
Transitioning between chords is one of the biggest barriers separating beginner guitarists from their goals. I’m here to make your life easier. I’ve been...
Sometimes, all it takes is just one idea to change everything about a song, but we have to let it. This week in Watch a Real Composer Write Music, I write 3 bars which...