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Watch A Real Composer Write Music in Sibelius Ep. 8

music composition May 05, 2022

There's a moment as we write music when the music becomes self-referential. This is one of my favorite places to be, because suddenly primary and secondary motives and objects become clear. In today's video, I have this moment a few times as I find a place to repeat the bass line from the intro.  

In this video, you'll learn: 

  • That each piece of music creates its own rules, and it can choose to uphold or break those rules. 
  • How to invert a theme and blow up its rhythm to hide it to create a subtle sense of polyphony. 
  • Why it's always important to follow your ear, even if there's something else you know needs to get done (like those 3 bars I keep ignoring to write in the guitar!)  

Thanks so much for being here. Have you ever experienced that moment when your song becomes self-referential? Let me know in the comments below the video!  

See you next time,  


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