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Watch A Real Composer Write Music in Sibelius Ep. 7

music composition Apr 28, 2022

Sometimes when we're writing music, it almost feels like we're wrestling with it. Our inner ear is telling us one thing, but what's coming out just isn't it. This week, I found myself wrestling with a part that I refused to give up on, and it payed off.

WATCH: Watch A Real Composer Write Music Ep. 7

In this video you'll learn:

  • Why not giving up is different than trying to force something that isn't working.
  • How to strategically experiment and stay true to what your ear is telling you at the same time.
  • A reminder of how truly crazy the ride can be. I spent more time on two bars than I did on a whole stanza!

I know this series isn't for everyone, so I'd like to invite you to reach out via an email or a comment below the video with what you want to see from me. Tell me how I can best help you and I'll make a video on it, basically just for you :)

Thanks so much for being here. You rock.




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