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Is it OK to Write a Melody Over Chords You Found in a Song?

melody tips May 05, 2023

Today, I'm going to definitively answer the question: Is it OK to Write a Melody Over Chords You Found in a Song? I get asked this question by literally every student, so here's a whole video answering it! We're celebrating May Melody Madness for the release of the Melody Mastery Mini Course â–şâ–ş  

Here's what you learn today: 

  • You'll get a straight answer to this question 
  • Why it's ok to do this and why everyone does it 
  • A real world example of me writing a new melody over one of the most common chord progressions, ever.  

What do you think? Do you find chords from a song and write new songs with them?

Let me know in the comments below the video!  

Thanks for being here.


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