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3 Minor Chord Progressions That Share a Secret

Feb 17, 2022

It’s easy to reuse chords and chord progressions. And, hey, if it works it works. But it’s always good to flex our musical muscles and add some more color. This week I’m sharing 3 minor chord progressions you might not hear every day.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • 3 unique minor chord progressions you can use for your next project.
  • How each of these chords work within the progression and what role they play.
  • Produced examples that show how these progressions can be used in a real song.

Like my last video, these chord progressions also share something in common. But, you’ll have to wait until the end of the video to find out what that is!

Let me know what you think of these chord progressions in the comments below the video. I want to hear from you!

Thanks so much for being here. I can’t do any of this without you.



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