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3 Ways to Add Chromatic Notes to a Melody melody tips May 23, 2023

Today, I'm showing you three ways you can add chromatic notes to a melody. This can help you go a long way to creating different flavors and special moments in your...

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How to Write a Melody With the Great Melodic Formula melody tips May 22, 2023

Today, I'm showing you something really special: How I write a melody using the great melodic formula. I created this myself for my course and it's crazy just how...

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How to STOP Writing Melodies That Already Exist melody tips May 19, 2023

Today, I'm showing you how you can stop writing melodies that already exist. It's a rite of passage for all songwriters and composers, but that doesn't have to mean the...

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ALWAYS Pay Attention to THIS When You Write a Melody melody tips May 18, 2023

Today, when you write a melody, I'm showing you why keeping melodic contour top of mind is imperative. To put this idea to use, we'll look at Debussy's classic melody for...

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How to Find Objects in a Melody melody tips May 17, 2023

Today, I'm going to show you how to find objects in any melody, so you can make your inspiration your own. This is a really powerful tool and I'm really only scratching...

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WHEN to Harmonize a Melody melody tips May 16, 2023

Today, I give you three places you can confidently add a harmony to your melody. No fuss, no muss. This is crucial for creating more intrigue for boring moments, or making...

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How Beethoven Writes a Melody with Ternary Form melody tips May 15, 2023

Today, we're breaking out Ode to Joy's full phrase to see the form Beethoven uses lying underneath. This can be super powerful – not just as a neat formula to try...

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How to Write a Melody Like Brahms melody tips May 12, 2023

Today, I'm showing you how to write a melody like the classical composer, Johannes Brahms. I'll be taking his famous lullaby and coming up with a wholly original melody...

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How Lyrics Can Write a Melody FOR YOU melody tips May 11, 2023

Today, I'm showing you how you can actually get your lyrics to start writing a melody for you. Yeah, you heard me right – you're not gonna want to miss this one. ...

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How to Write a Mini Melody melody tips May 10, 2023

Today, I'm teaching you how to write a mini melody – even if you have zero inspiration whatsoever. This is a great exercise because it gets you thinking in much...

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How to Write a Melody Like Mozart melody tips May 08, 2023

Today, I show you how to write a melody like Mozart. One of the most renown composers of the last few centuries, being able to write a melody like Mozart means being able...

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Is it OK to Write a Melody Over Chords You Found in a Song? melody tips May 05, 2023

Today, I'm going to definitively answer the question: Is it OK to Write a Melody Over Chords You Found in a Song? I get asked this question by literally every student, so...

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